Selling Homemade Products – where to start? 

Are you considering selling your own homemade products but not sure where to begin? In this article, you’ll find key information to help you take the first steps in the craft business. You’ll learn about the most desired products on the market, how to choose them, and where and how to effectively sell them. Keep reading to discover the world of possibilities in selling homemade crafts. 

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Selling Homemade Products – first step 

Before starting a business related to homemade products, it’s worth carefully considering what exactly we want to create and what audience we want to target. Will it be unique interior decorations that add charm to any room? Or perhaps handmade toys for children that will delight with their originality and craftsmanship? Another idea could be personalized accessories, which can become a unique gift for loved ones or an interesting addition to our daily wardrobe. 

It’s also worth remembering that we don’t necessarily have to establish a business to start selling our products. There are online platforms such as Etsy or local markets where you can showcase and sell crafts without formalities and significant financial investments. This allows us to freely explore our creative passions without worrying about bureaucracy or the risks associated with running a company. This opens up a wide range of possibilities and encourages discovering our own talent in the field of crafts. 

Which Homemade Products are worth selling? 

When considering which homemade products are worth selling, it’s essential to understand the needs and preferences of our potential customers. Home decor is one of the most popular categories because people like to personalize their living spaces and give them character. Here we can include various elements such as hand-painted pictures, original vases, or elegant candles that add charm to any interior. 

Items for children are another area that attracts the attention of many customers. Handmade plush toys, fabric rattles, or colorful bedding sets can not only be aesthetic additions to a child’s room but also safe and durable solutions for the youngest. Parents are increasingly looking for unique and unusual products for their children, making this category particularly attractive for creators. 

Unique accessories should not be forgotten either, as they can become a distinctive styling element or a gift for loved ones. Personalized bags, decorative pillows, or elegant jewelry handmade with attention to detail are just a few examples of products that are in high demand in the market. 

Ultimately, the choice of specific products depends on our skills, interests, and market trends. It’s also important to closely observe customer behavior and respond to their needs to ensure that our offer is always attractive and competitive. This allows us to develop our business based on products that truly enjoy popularity and interest from our clientele. 

How to choose Homemade Products for sale? 

When choosing homemade products for sale, it’s essential to be guided primarily by our own passion and interests. These are the foundation of our commitment to creation and can also influence the final result of our products. If we are passionate about crocheting, we can focus on creating beautiful blankets, doilies, or decorative interior elements. On the other hand, if our passion lies in graphic design and drawing, we can create unique illustrations, posters, or personalized greeting cards. 

It’s also important to consider our skills and available time when choosing products. If we have limited time resources, it may be reasonable to focus on products that do not require a significant amount of work or complicated techniques. On the other hand, if we have more time and are willing to devote it to improving our skills, we can opt for more demanding techniques or design more complex products. 

Monitoring market trends and potential customer reactions is also important. By observing which products generate the most interest and what the current market needs are, we can adjust our offer to meet customer expectations and maximize our chances of success. Remember that the choice of products should align with both our skills and the expectations of our potential customers, providing us with a solid foundation for developing our business. 

See also: How to create your own clothing brand?

Homemade Products – which fabrics to choose? 

Choosing the right materials is a crucial element in the process of creating homemade products. Each type of fabric has its characteristic features that can affect both the quality and appearance of our products. Before making a decision, it’s worth considering which fabrics will work best for specific projects, ensuring durability, aesthetics, and user comfort. 

Cotton is one of the most popular materials used in homemade product manufacturing. It’s soft, pleasant to the touch, and easy to care for, making it perfect for creating bedding, pillows, or children’s cotton clothing. Additionally, cotton is a natural fabric, making it suitable for people with sensitive skin and environmentally friendly. Check out our cotton fabrics and knits

Polyester is a synthetic fabric known for its durability and resistance to wrinkles and stains. It’s an excellent choice for creating decorations such as curtains or tablecloths, which require regular washing and maintaining a lasting shape. Check out our polyester fabrics

Linen is a natural fabric with exceptionally durable fibers, making it perfect for high-quality and aesthetic products. It’s a popular choice for making bedding, tablecloths, or napkins because it’s durable, breathable, and absorbs moisture. Additionally, linen is an eco-friendly material, making it increasingly preferred by environmentally conscious individuals. 

Wool is a warm and soft material that is perfect for creating products such as sweaters, blankets, or throws. It’s also hypoallergenic, making it suitable for people with sensitive skin. However, it’s important to remember that wool requires special care and is less resistant to wrinkles than other materials. 

Where to sell Homemade Products? 

Online platforms such as social media, Etsy or Amazon are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to selling our homemade products. Through them, we can reach a wide range of potential customers from around the world and build our brand in the world of homemade products. 

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest are excellent tools for promoting our products and building a community around our brand. We can create engaging posts, share photos of our products, and engage with our followers, allowing us to build engagement and customer loyalty. 

Etsy is a great place for those interested in crafts and homemade products. With its specialization in unique and unusual products, Etsy attracts customers looking for something special and original. Additionally, the user-friendly interface and tools for promoting products make selling on Etsy very effective. 

Amazon is another popular platform where we can sell our homemade products. With its vast customer base and global availability, we can reach a wide audience and increase our chances of success. Additionally, promotional programs and marketing tools offered by Amazon can help us promote our products and increase their visibility among customers. 

In addition to the mentioned platforms, there are many other places where we can sell our homemade products, such as local markets, fairs, or shops specializing in handmade products. It’s important to experiment with different sales channels and adjust our strategy to changing customer needs and expectations. This will allow us to maximize our chances of success and develop our business based on products that truly interest our customers. 

Selling Homemade Products – summary 

Starting a business related to homemade products can be a fascinating and rewarding experience. Remember to be guided by passion and creativity, and make use of available sales platforms to reach your customers. We wish you success on this exciting entrepreneurial journey, and if you’re looking for a place to print on materials, at CottonBee, you can realize your sewing and creative ideas! 


Junior Content Specialist, dogs lover. Football coach after hours :)

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